Folkloric Selamta
Folkloric Selamta, Ghana is a professional traditional and new dance and drum group since many years.
They are affiliated to National Cultural Center of Ghana, Accra. Here they train 3 times a week. They are often used for big state events and other events.
Folkloric Selamta has been on several tours to Denmark. The first time members where in DK was in 1985. They were on tour in DK 2010-11 and 13, sponsored also from the Danish Government.
Many of their members are now living in USA, Britain, Germany, Denmark and Finland, but those who are in Ghana are still splendid dancers and drummers.
Folkloric Selamta are allways ready to tour all over the world, see more videos of their dance and drumming at Youtube.
Folkloric Selamta give classes in Ghana at National Center and at the cultural center in Nungua: Folkloric Cultural Center.
Contact Elisabeth Lange for further information